Paris here I come

Monday, 16 February 2009

I think I can make it to goal!

This week's weigh-in takes me below the 20kg-left-to-lose mark. I lost 1.8kg today! Woohoo! And now weigh 87.5kg losing a total of 32.7kg since April 08. I think (if my maths is right) that I have 19.5kg left till I reach goal!

I've told myself that when I have less than 20kg left to lose I could actually make it to goal. I've never, in the history of following WW (several times), believed that my goal weight of 68kg was actually achieveable. But now that I've come this far, I'm aiming to get to my healthy recommended weight. I think I can make it this time. I'm also being realistic as I know it gets harder to lose larger amounts the closer I get to goal. So the final 10kg will require more exercise than I've been doing (which is not a whole lot this week).

Thx Joyflower!


Monday, 9 February 2009

This is more like it!

Joy and I both had a good weigh-in today despite partying this weekend. We both lost good amounts though I suspect the scales were a bit too kind to me, so I'll have to keep on their good side for the rest of the week, lol. I lost 800gm and now am back under 90kg again. I weighed in at 89.3kg which brings my total loss to date as being 30.9kg since April last year. It would be good to make it 35kg in a year by April 09.

Joy had her sister and mum here in Sydney and had a lovely social time with them, and I had our Waitangi Day party at our place and have been eating left overs ever since...yikes! But we both exercised this week which must have made up for the overeating done in the weekend. I went swimming again on Saturday - so I'm feeling more confident about going out in public with my swimmers on. That must be progress, even if it's in my head. I guess that's where the battle starts. And I did 10 lengths of a 50m pool, but have yet to swim it continuously. It's been too hot to get onto the bike lately, so the pool has been a lovely alternative.

I'm having trouble shifting my post-baby tummy, so will have to target that area I think. Not sure what exercises are effective in toning the lower abdominal area....does anyone have any ideas? I did some tummy crunches (if you can call them that), and could barely lift my shoulders off the bed towards my knees. I think crunches are designed more for the upper tummy area (is that right?) - well that's where I feel the muscles working. I am not known for my determination when it comes to exercise, so I'd love to hear what anyone is doing for exercise - go ahead, inspire me, lol.


Monday, 2 February 2009

Post-NZ Weigh-in

I weighed in this morning and gained 900gm since my last WI 2 weeks ago. If I try to make myself feel better, I've put on 300gm since I've gone on holiday to NZ. I weighed-in once while on holiday (as I took my scales, lol), and was trying to keep some exercise going and eat well. I think I did pretty well most of the time except didn't track (that was my downfall), and it was only the last week of our 3 week holiday that was a tad off track. There was cream, icecream, lolly cake, homemade bread, muesli, desserts, multiple dinners out...get the picture? But even with those evils I was better than I would have been before being on WW. Normally I put on 3-4 kg from a trip to NZ, so 300gm over 3 weeks is a huge improvement.

So now I weigh 90.1kg, and I'm back over the 90kg mark, but still hang onto my 30kg milestone. I am determined that this week will be a goodie! I just went on a 30 min walk around the neigbourhood which was actually really great.

Back on track for 09!

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Back from the Land-of-the-long-white-cloud

We're back from NZ. We had a really great holiday and did a fair bit of tripping around the South Island - it really was beautiful. But the last week of our 3 week holiday was a bit disastrous for weight loss so it's good to be back to some form of routine. But hey, I was pretty good otherwise, so I'm not too bothered. However, I am looking forward to getting back into 'normal' life, being able to track on the computer, and being able to post on the WW community boards again.
I did manage to score some firsts while away.
My first time to the West Coast of NZ,
and my first time walking to the Rob Roy Glacier viewing spot (which was a 4 hour trek over rocks and uphill and down again).
I WI officially tomorrow but know that I've put on as I have been weighing-in unofficially and I'm back over the 90kg mark, sigh. But still have today to try and bring it down as much as I can.

So I'm feeling good about starting the year with a fresh start...bring on 09! I guess some of us start the year more slowly than others, lol.

Here are just a few pics of our NZ holiday - the scenery was spectacular! And Brent and I also had our wedding anniversary while away.

Franz Josef Glacier - with my friend Fi
Sarah and I going up a chair lift at Coronet Peak - near Queenstown
View from the summit of Coronet Peak
View from the car park at Coronet peak - Ben mesmerised

Brent and I celebrating our 19 years of marriage