Paris here I come

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Okay Okay...stop being so dramatic!

I'm alive, but have been eating my emotions for the last couple of weeks.  I haven't got time to tell you everything right now cos I've got to get to work. But I'll come back and add more after school...


Pinky said...

Thinking of you Heather and totally understand the emotion eating! I too am eating the emotions - funny that they don't go away after I have eaten!!!

margie uk said...

there must be something in the air all round the world cos I have been doing the same. Just about to go and get weighed at weight watchers and if i havent put on 3lbs in the last 2 weeks then i will eat my hat.

margie uk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
margie uk said...

any ideas why 2 comments seem to arrive????

Lee-Anne said...

Sounds ominous. Hope everything is okay.

Me said...

Hope all is well with you. I am not eating my emotions because I am in such a great place now after holiday BUT I am finding it difficult to get my head in the right space for losing weight and exercising !!!!
Have a great day !