Paris here I come

Monday, 19 April 2010


Here goes Heather again!

I am starting PHASE 3 of my WW journey!

Phase 1 was year 1 - and I lost 35kg
Phase 2 was year 2 - and I gained 15kg
Phase 3 is year 3 - and I have restarted today!

I currently weigh 100.5kg and I have stopped trying this year, except not totally or else I could have put on 35kg and not just 15kg. Yr 2 was the bad year, and I really did eat my emotions - I am still learning about my emotions obviously as I think they sort of caught me unawares.

Easter this year was rather chocolate filled and I did seem to have a lot of the dreaded brown stuff all around me. My excuse is that we had visitors staying, and you have to have chocolate when you have visitors and it's Easter! Isn't that right? Well no, it's not a rule, and even if others are eating it, it doesn't mean I have to join in to the same degree....mmmm, must have forgotten that at the time.

Well, Easter is over, and I'm depressed about my 15kg gain, depressed about going back over 100kg, depressed about not fitting my jeans.

New goal for April - go back under 100kg!

Other goals by end of the year:
  • Lose 2 kg each month
  • Be back at 85kg by New Year's Day 2011
  • Fit my jeans by end of winter

Shorter term goals:

  • Track every day
  • Drink 3 bottles of water/day (600ml)
  • go on a walk 2+km/week (yes, only 2km- well it's a start)
  • jog around my street 3 times a week (it's a 300m loop)
  • blog every day to keep accountable to myself - nothing like denial
  • post on the WW boards every day - they're great girls

Time to update all my goals everywhere else! I totally restarted my WW tracker. Looking forward to getting new stars and milestones!

See you around a lot more..... xx


Natalie said...

Good to see your head is getting back in the game Heather. I'm a bit like you - gained 12 kg and am holding at the moment. Life has been both busy and stressful, and although I'm not eating emotionally, I've discovered that I'm eating stressfully! My journey has been hampered big time by back/hip/joint problems which has put the kibosh on exercise. The physion says I can do a maximum 4km 'gentle' walk on the flat. Fat lot of use that is for burning calories!!

I'll keep up with your journal as you go - maybe your renewed enthusiasm will kickstart mine!

Heather said...

Thx Natalie. Good to be back and trying again. Sorry to hear about your back/hip/joint problems. A gentle 4km walk is about where I'm at at the moment, lol...and that's without a hip problem. xx