Paris here I come

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

9kg in 10 Weeks!

It was my 10th weigh in today and I was hoping to go under 107kg. Well, with a bit of help from Tready, we made it! I weighed in this morning and lost 1.2kg, so I'm doing the happy dance! I'm on target to reach my end of June goal of 106kg by Saturday. Tough but possible.

So I weigh 106.5kg which is a total of 9kg lost since I started, woohoooo!


Pinky said...

Well done Heather - that is awesome!
You can do it - I am reassessing my goals and hope to be under 100 by beginning of September, as long as life plays nicely!

Heather said...

good goal Lisa, I'm aiming for that too! We can do it - together :D

margie uk said...

well done.... I'm off in a mo to weigh in!!!! Maybe if I'm lucky and the wind is in the right direction I will have only put on 3lbs but it was soooooooooooooo worth it

Claire said...

Yesssssssss !
Love the fluffly scales...
Bravo Heather !

Heather said...

Margie - sounds like you've been having a good time ;P...hope ur WI went well!

Claire - thx, cute scales so pink and girly!