Paris here I come

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

New goals, new photos, new inspiration! What works for me...

There are several things I did on my last
Weight Watchers journey in 2008
which made a difference to me and how well I did. 

1. Doing WW online worked for me because I had young kids, and hubby worked late, therefore, getting to meetings was a real challenge.

2. Going onto the WW community threads. I posted almost daily on  one of the Going Under threads and the lovely ladies there became my group meeting.  Except I had access to them every day.  I still go there, and they are a huge support.

3. Setting small achievable goals; monthly goals of 2kg gave me a feeling of success because I often lost more than 2kg a month to begin with.

4. Starting a blog. This blog also helped me a lot because it was fun and was a journal of how the journey was going. I was competitive enough (with myself) to do well and as I was posting my weekly weigh-ins, felt that I needed to achieve what I set out to achieve.

5. Having a weigh-in buddy.  My friend Joy was a joy to me.  She came once a week to weigh-in and she was whom I was accountable to.  I don't have a weigh-in buddy any more, but it's not too hard to jump on the scales...except I have a tendency to shift them about until I get a more favorable reading ; P

6. I should write something about exercise, but I was and am pretty terrible with exercise.  The only thing I really enjoy is walking, and at least it's free! I love that now it's autumn and cool enough to get out and about. I do have a good treadmill which is rather neglected, so I might just have to pay some attention to it.

I have posted new monthly goals,
and new family photos...
it all helps me feel motivated
as I can see clearly
how far I've fallen
and that I can do it
as I've done it before and succeeded.

My kids and hubby inspire me.
And so does the Paris backdrop - I'm going to get there!
Having a blog is really motivating,
 and reading other people's blogs is inspiring.
So I'm feeling all geared up and ready to go, maybe I'll pack my bags for Paris soon.

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